Mitchell Music

Design consultant for music instrument + dance floor manufacturer

December 2023

Mitchell Music

In September 2023 I undertook a 3 month contract with Mitchell Music as graphic designer, branding & marketing consultant, and web developer.

During my short time with the instrument and dance floor manufacturer I helped to improve some of the workflow of their existing site and store, as well as work on some of their branding. Most of what I consulted on related to how to develop the brand, fortifying the foundations, and refining what was already there.

I developed an improved UX flow, shown below, and began work on wireframing for the new site.

Site Map Mitchell Music Sitemap by makemassair

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Mitchell Music Wireframe by makemassair

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Wireframes - Product Page Mitchell Music Wireframe by makemassair

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Mitchell Music Style Guide by makemassair

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The evolution of the print flyer design - the colour palette, typeface, sizing and so forth lead into the web design and UI.

Mitchell Music Flyer Evolution by makemassair Mitchell Music Flyer Evoluition by makemassair Mitchell Music Flyer Evoluition by makemassair Mitchell Music Flyer Evoluition by makemassair

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